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March 2022

General Meeting

Due to the present Covid conditions, chapter meetings will continue to be held virtualy on the Zoom platform until further notice!

We will be having a virtual meeting on Tuesday, February 8th at 8:00 pm. We will be using the platform ZOOM to conduct this meeting.


Meeting ID: 861 8419 8571
Passcode: 205012

General Meeting

Tuesday, March 8th, 2022

Bill Anderson – Fishing the Little Juniata


Bill Anderson – President of the Little Juniata River Association, a 501 cx3 all volunteer conservation organization located in Central Pa. Bill is a fly fishing instructor/licensed guide; Innovative fly tyer; National Finalist for the Field & Stream “Hero of Conservation” award 2014; and Outdoor News –“Person of the Year for 2015”. He has also received awards from, Blair County Conservation Officers Association, Juniata Valley Audubon Society – Conservation Award, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Blair County Conservation District, The Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) Environmental Award 2016 and the Pennsylvania State Senate for his leadership and effectiveness in protecting and improving the Little Juniata River.

Bill lives in a solar log house in Sinking Valley near Tyrone, located just five miles from the Little Juniata River. He has fished the Little Juniata and its sister stream, the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata since moving from Delaware to Central Pa. in 1978. Bill and his wife, Carol Ann, raised three children and are now enjoying visits with their five grandkids.

Since retiring from the Contract Manufacturing Industry as Chief Operating Officer for IEC Electronics in 2004, Bill and Carol Ann opened a coffee shop in Tyrone, Pa.; Bill and a partner started and ran a fly shop located on Spruce Creek; and Bill has served as the leader of the Little Juniata River Association, a 501 c3 watershed conservation organization, since 2005.


In the winter months, he teaches fly tying classes, operates a business installing waterproof zippers in waders (EZ-P )and writes articles about Central Pennsylvania history for local publications. He has also written articles on fly fishing and the Little Juniata River for regional and national magazines. Bill is the author of a hard-back book: “Trout Boomer and the Little “j” - The story of a fly fisher and his love for the Little Juniata River”.

Bill manages two websites including the Little Juniata River Association www.littlejuniata.net and three Face Book pages and may be contacted at bjuniata@verizon.net or 814 569 8843.

Meeting Location

Due to the present Covid conditions, chapter meetings will continue to be held virtualy on the Zoom platform until further notice!

American Legion Hall
137 New Market Road
Dunellen, NJ
Meeting starts at 8:00 PM - Non Members are always welcome!

President’s Letter


Greetings CJTU Members and Friends!

As we move into Spring many of us are looking forward to getting out for some outdoor activities!

There are some events that the CJTU Leadership is hoping will restart active participation. There will be a few local trips put together and led by members.

On Saturday, April 16th, the Annual Musconetcong River Clean-up will take place.We will gather at Point Mountain, greet each other, get supplies and do our usual best to make a difference! Dan Calligaro, our Conservation Chair will lead this effort. Keep an eye on the website for specific details. We need Volunteers, so reach out to Dan (dc8043@gmail.com) at if you can help and join us!

On Saturday, April 30th, CJTU will again participate in Rutgers Day! This outdoor event is always a great day of Outreach for our Chapter. Again, we need Volunteers, for casting lessons and for our fun "Adopt A Trout" portion of the effort. John Wester will be leading this effort. Please reach out to John (johnnwester@gmail.com) and give some of your time for this fun day!

Our Directors, Nick Romanenko and John Wester have continued to attract great speakers and interesting presentations during recent times and we are grateful for their hard work! Thank you Gentlemen! Here are a few of the upcoming Speakers:

3/8 - Bill Anderson, Fishing the Little Juniata
4/12 - Bryan Weiner
5/10 - "Ozzy", Fishing the Salt

With Spring approaching and the weather warming up, the CJTU Board would like to know your feelings about CJTU resuming some in-person activities. It has always been our Chapter's priority to keep our members safe. Recently the Board has been considering what might be done to get CJTU active again. What would you be willing to participate in? Those things might include in-person and/or hybrid meetings, local trips, clean-ups, shows and our Annual picnic.

The reality of not holding any events or participating in shows presents a few challenges for the Chapter. Not having meetings establishes a kind of disconnect among members. It also creates a lack of necessary revenue, from the raffles, that helps to defray the cost for the Speakers that we are continuing to have. And, by not having meetings and/or going to shows we are not able to have our larger fundraiser raffles.

So, we are looking to you for help and advice. How do you think we should handle the situation? I will share with you that some of the other NJTU Chapters have carefully held in-person activities. Please feel free to reach out to any of the Board members with your input and ideas.

Thank you for your support and participation. We appreciate you!

Marsha Benovengo,
Interim President,

News & Events

Saturday, April 16th, 2022

30th Annual Musconetcong River Clean-up

Once again, CJTU will be participating in a river clean up along the Musconetcong River on April 16 from 9AM -12 PM. As in the past, we will scour the stretch of the Point Mountain TCA, our home waters, for trash, debris removal, etc. Meet at the Point Mountain bridge near the intersection of Point Mountain Rd and Musconetcong Rd. by 9 AM. The Musconetcong Watershed Association will supply trash bags and gloves, or you can bring your own gloves. Participants will receive a token of appreciation from the MWA. Hope to see you there!

Dan Calligaro
CJTU Conservation Chairman
Email: dc8043@gmail.com
Cell: (908)938-1740

Rutger's Day

Saturday, April 30th, 2022

Rutgers day is back and CJTU is planning on being there!


This is probably our biggest event of the year with thousands of people attending, giving us an opportunity to present TU's message to an audience we usually don't come in contact with. A few more volunteers are needed to help with fly and spin casting and interacting with the public by explaining TU's mission, what CJTU has done for cold water resources in NJ and answering a lot of questions such as "Were can we go fishing?".

If you are interested in joining us on April 30th, contact John Wester at johnnwester@gmail.com


It's time for a new NJ Fishing License and Trout Stamp! You can get it here:


If you fish in saltwater you will need to register here:



Sign Up for a Free Membership!

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Fly of the Month

Bump Nose Baetis Emerger

Tied by Bill Ninke


You’re probably tired of having had to fish “down and dirty” for the last few months. But, sometime this month, the first Baetis mayflies of the season will start to pop. Depending on the wind and the water and air temperatures they may linger in the surface film a bit before fully pumping up their wings and flying off. When this is happening you’ll want to have some of this month’s fly in your box. The pattern is an amalgam of the “Almost There” by Bucky McCormick and my own ideas on fly silhouettes, tying technique and on-stream preparations. Bucky McCormick is one of the younger staff members at the Blue Ribbon Fly Shop in West Yellowstone, Montana. He continues the tradition set by the original owner of Blue Ribbon, Craig Mathews, of designing flies that use few materials, are easy and quick to tie, and are highly effective.

There are many Baetis Emerger patterns out there but there are four features that distinguish my version. The first is the way I tie in the emerging wing. Instead of tying in the wing fiber bundle right behind the hook eye with retained part of the bundle facing backward and then clipping off the excess at the eye (which is what McCormick does), I tie the retained part forward and clip the excess behind the tie in wraps. Then after dubbing a small ball-shaped thorax, I fold the wing fibers back and tie them in right in the middle of the thorax leaving a little bump of wing fibers right behind the hook eye. This leaves the hook eye clear for threading a small tippet through the small hook eye. The careful trimming of the clipped excess to keep the eye clear as needed in McCormick’s version is not required. Second, the small bump at the head more accurately matches the thorax profile of an actual Baetis in the process of emerging. Third, the fold back makes the wing tie in very strong and positions the wing slightly above the body to complete the natural silhouette. And finally, the bump is isolated up front so applying some float paste on just it is easy without getting the paste where it should not be. Paste on just the bump makes the fly ride right in the film as it should when fished.

From the above photo, the materials listing, and my discourse on the wing tie in, you should be able to tie this pattern quickly without having to look at detailed tying instructions. But they are there if you need them. You can also tie this pattern in cream or light olive tones to match small PMDs that are found on many western waters.

I’ve invented the descriptor, Bump Nose, to always remind me, and hopefully you, of the one distinctive tying step for this pattern. Stay tuned for next month’s pattern where you will bump into the idea again.

Click here for the recipe!

Central Jersey Trout Unlimited’s Supporters

Shannon's tightlines3
The Fly Shack